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Bees Articles


We understand and share your concern about the health of the bees which pollinate our crops and support our environment. The health of bees is critical to us all, and Proven Winners needs pollinators as much as anyone. With the help of our industry leaders, we are actively working to support, report, and react to the science-based information about bees and possible declines in bee populations. 

I love plants and adore the flowers that fill my garden with color, fragrance, and beauty.  But my garden would be only half a garden without the birds, hummingbirds, bees and butterflies that fill the space with graceful movement, birdsong, and the low rumbling buzz of bumblebees. These 10 red or nearly red flowers are sure to be a hit with hummingbirds. Add enough of these plants to your garden and you’ll never have to fill a hummingbird feeder again!

Supporting pollinators ranks high among gardeners’ concerns and we agree—we all need to do what we can to provide a beneficial habitat, food and shelter for these critical creatures. Let’s take a look at ten perennials for bees and more you can grow to provide beauty and sustenance in your garden.

Designing, planting and maintaining landscapes for ecologically-minded customers requires a shift in the way we think about and care for gardens. Plants play a huge roll in providing pollen, nectar and seeds for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, songbirds and insects. Learn more about gardening for pollinators here.

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