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Best Regional Plants

Showing 5,461 - 5,480 of 5,577.
Plant Name Genus Award Trial Regionsort icon Year Trial Cold Hardiness Trial Heat Zone
Butterfly Deep Pink Pentas lanceolata Pentas Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
Butterfly Red Pentas lanceolata Pentas Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
Butterfly White Pentas lanceolata Pentas Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
'Golden Delicious' Golden Leaved Pineapple Sage Salvia elegans Salvia Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
Flambe® Yellow Strawflower Chrysocephalum apiculatum Chrysocephalum Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
'Flamenco Samba' Cuphea llavea Cuphea Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
Butterfly Deep Rose Pentas lanceolata Pentas Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
Butterfly Deep Pink Pentas lanceolata Pentas Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
Butterfly Red Pentas lanceolata Pentas Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
Butterfly White Pentas lanceolata Pentas Flame Proof Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2006 8a 9
'Sweet Caroline Light Green' Sweet Potato Vine Ipomoea batatas Ipomoea North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2003 8a 9
'Sweet Caroline Light Green' Sweet Potato Vine Ipomoea batatas Ipomoea North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2003 8a 9
'Sweet Caroline Light Green' Sweet Potato Vine Ipomoea batatas Ipomoea North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2003 8a 9
'Sweet Caroline Light Green' Sweet Potato Vine Ipomoea batatas Ipomoea North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2003 8a 9
Angelina Sedum rupestre Sedum North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2004 8a 9
Diamond Frost® Euphorbia hybrid Euphorbia North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2004 8a 9
Artist® Blue Flossflower Ageratum hybrid Ageratum North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2004 8a 9
Artist® Blue Flossflower Ageratum hybrid Ageratum North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2004 8a 9
Diamond Frost® Euphorbia hybrid Euphorbia North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2004 8a 9
Angelina Sedum rupestre Sedum North Texas Winners Circle Dallas Arboretum Southwest 2004 8a 9
Showing 5,461 - 5,480 of 5,577.
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