Best Regional Plants
Plant Name | Genus | Award |
Trial![]() |
Region | Year | Trial Cold Hardiness | Trial Heat Zone |
Luscious® Citron™ Lantana hybrid | Lantana | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
Luscious® Berry Blend™ Lantana camara | Lantana | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
Amazel Basil® Sweet Italian Basil Ocimum hybrid | Ocimum | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
Supertunia® Royal Velvet® Petunia hybrid | Petunia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia hybrid | Petunia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
Supertunia Vista® Jazzberry® Petunia hybrid | Petunia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
Unplugged® So Blue™ Mealycup Sage Salvia farinacea | Salvia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
ColorBlaze® El Brighto Coleus scutellarioides | Coleus | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
ColorBlaze® Newly Noir™ Coleus scutellarioides | Coleus | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
ColorBlaze® Torchlight® Coleus scutellarioides | Coleus | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2021 | 6b | 7 |
Surefire® White Begonia benariensis | Begonia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Surefire® Cherry Cordial™ Begonia x hybrida | Begonia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Superbells® Yellow Calibrachoa hybrid | Calibrachoa | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Superbells Magic® Pink Lemonade Calibrachoa hybrid | Calibrachoa | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Luscious® Basket Tangeglow® Lantana camara | Lantana | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Luscious® Royale Lemon Tart™ Lantana camara | Lantana | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Big Leaf Creeping Wire Vine Muehlenbeckia complexa | Muehlenbeckia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Supertunia® Persimmon Petunia hybrid | Petunia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Mojave® Yellow Purslane Portulaca umbraticola | Portulaca | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |
Double Up™ White Begonia semperflorens | Begonia | Perfect Score | University of Tennessee - Knoxville | Southeast | 2022 | 6b | 7 |