Best Regional Plants
Plant Name | Genus | Award | Trial |
Region![]() |
Year | Trial Cold Hardiness | Trial Heat Zone |
Efanthia Wood Spurge Euphorbia amygdaloides hybrid | Euphorbia | Top Performer | University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners | Midwest | 2005 | 5b | 6 |
Graceful Grasses® King Tut® Egyptian Papyrus Cyperus papyrus | Cyperus | Top Performer | University of Wisconsin | Midwest | 2010 |
5a 5b |
4 5 |
Superbells® Double Blue Double Calibrachoa Calibrachoa hybrid | Calibrachoa | Top Performer | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids | Midwest | 2019 |
3a 3b |
3 |
Meteor Shower® Verbena bonariensis | Verbena | Top Performer | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids | Midwest | 2021 |
3a 3b |
3 |
Supertunia Vista® Silverberry Petunia hybrid | Petunia | Gold Medal | Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield | Midwest | 2008 | 5b | 5 |
Sweet Caroline Upside™ Key Lime Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine Ipomoea batatas | Ipomoea | Top Performer | Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield | Midwest | 2023 | 5b | 5 |
Rockapulco® Coral Reef Double Impatiens Impatiens walleriana | Impatiens | Top Performer | Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield | Midwest | 2011 | 5b | 5 |
Diamond Frost® Euphorbia hybrid | Euphorbia | Top Performer | Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield | Midwest | 2008 | 5b | 5 |
Campfire® Flame Bidens hybrid | Bidens | Perfect Score All Season | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids | Midwest | 2019 |
3a 3b |
3 |
Superbells® Double Twilight™ Double Calibrachoa Calibrachoa hybrid | Calibrachoa | Top Performer | University of Minnesota - Morris | Midwest | 2022 | 4 | |
Diamond Frost® Euphorbia hybrid | Euphorbia | Silver Medal | University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners | Midwest | 2007 | 5b | 6 |
Angelface® Blue Summer Snapdragon Angelonia hybrid | Angelonia | Top Performer | University of Wisconsin | Midwest | 2018 |
5a 5b |
4 5 |
Sweet Caroline Red Hawk™ Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine Ipomoea hybrid | Ipomoea | Top Performer | University of Missouri | Midwest | 2023 |
5a 5b |
7 |
Mojave® Yellow Purslane Portulaca umbraticola | Portulaca | Top 10 Winner | University of Minnesota - Morris | Midwest | 2022 | 4 | |
Supertunia Vista® Silverberry Petunia hybrid | Petunia | Top Performer in Containers | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids | Midwest | 2012 |
3a 3b |
3 |
Angelina Sedum rupestre | Sedum | Gold Medal | University of Illinois-Champaign County Master Gardeners | Midwest | 2006 | 5b | 6 |
Hippo® Rose Polka Dot Plant Hypoestes phyllostachya | Hypoestes | Top Performer | Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum - Springfield | Midwest | 2018 | 5b | 5 |
Limon Blush™ Coleus scutellarioides | Coleus | Best Selection | University of Wisconsin | Midwest | 2010 |
5a 5b |
4 5 |
Graceful Grasses® Baby Tut® Umbrella Grass Cyperus involucratus | Cyperus | Best Baskets | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids | Midwest | 2011 |
3a 3b |
3 |
Diamond Frost® Euphorbia hybrid | Euphorbia | Top Performer in Containers | University of Minnesota - Grand Rapids | Midwest | 2012 |
3a 3b |
3 |