Osteospermum hybrid
Early Spring through Fall Finish. Standard PPP.
Pinch at transplant, if needed. If plants are pinched use a preventative fungicide spray to preclude disease formation. Florel at 500 ppm can be used instead of pinching. 5-10 ppm Sumagic can be used to control growth if needed. Cold temperatures can also be used for growth regulation.
General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Symphony is sensitive to pythium, phytopthera, and botrytis. Maintaining proper pH, (5.8-6.2) and good sanitation practices will help alleviate problems. Increased air circulation, proper water management and good soil porosity are also critical.
Grower Tips for Symphony
-Low humidity isessential best in production.
-Preventive fungicides are recommended at transplant.
-Requires high light in production.
-Grow cool with good air circulation once established.
-Finishing outside will yield a toned and better branched plant.
Air circulation and water management are critical. Vernalization is not required for flowering. Removing buds and flowers at transplant is not necessary but may be beneficial.