Dianthus gratianopolitanus
Late Spring to Summer Finish. Standard ppp.
Pinching and growth regulators shouldn't be necessary. Apple Slice and Coconut Punch are more vigorous and may require growth regulators. A tank mix of B-Nine at 2,000 ppm and Cycocel at 1,000 ppm is effective.
Standard pest and disease management practices as listed in the notes. Aphids, spider mites and Fusarium can be problematic, scout and treat as necessary.
-Dianthus requires average to slightly below average amounts of irrigation as they do not tolerate consistently wet or overly dry growing conditions.
-Avoid planting Dianthus too deeply or crop variability and or losses from crown rots are likely to occur.
-If leaf tip burn occurs, it is commonly due to water stress and/or high EC.
-When growing large containers (6 inch and larger), it is best to bulk them in the summer the year before they are to be sold. It is best to bulk to 3/4 pot coverage prior to winter.
-Lighting is not required, however, flower induction occurs more rapidly under long days.