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Flying Colors® Diascia hybrid

B (5.8 - 6.2)
B (0.6 - 0.9)
Medium (150 - 200 ppm)
Moderate to Moist
A (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
A (55 - 65º Fahrenheit)
A,B (40 - 50º Fahrenheit)

Early Spring through Fall Finish. Standard PPP.

4-5" and Quart Pot : 4-6
6" and Gallon Pot : 5-7
7-9" Pot : 7-9
10-12" and Two Gallon Pot : 10-12

For all sizes of containers, pinch the liner 1–2 weeks after transplant; for containers larger than 6” and for hanging baskets, trim around the edge of the container as needed prior to spacing or hanging of the baskets. 3-10 ppm Sumagic is effective.

General pest and disease practices as listed in notes.

Grower Tips: 

Grower Tips for Flying Colors
-Preventive fungicides are recommended at transplant.
-Grow cool with good air circulation once established.
-Requires high light in production.
-Needs 200 ppm fertilizer for optimal growth.
-'Apricot' is slower growing and slower to flower than the others in the series.
-Darker, smaller foliage varieties like 'Antique Rose,' 'Red,' and 'Orange' have greater heat tolerance.
-Use a well-drained media and avoid overwatering.

Apricot is slower growing and slower to flower. A well drained soil with good soil aeration is best. Allow the soil to dry between watering for best results.

Do not move outside

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