Helianthus hybrid
Early Spring through Fall Finish. Standard PPP.
Repeated lower level PGRs are better than high rates less frequently. Paclobutrazol drench at 2–3 ppm, or tank mix of 5000 ppm daminozide + 1000 ppm chlormequat chloride spray, 1–2 weeks after pinching; 2–3 ppm drench at first sign of visible buds; 2 ppm drench when flowers start cracking color to hold for finish. Southern growers will need to use slightly higher rates (+- 1-2 ppm).
Hard pinch required to improve branching and control vigor.
For single stem plants – no pinch needed
Treat with a preventative broad spectrum fungicidal drench at 1-2 weeks after transplant.
Good air circulation, control of humidity, and good sanitation practices are critical. Good water management practices are critical to healthy plant growth.