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Hippo® Hypoestes

B (5.8 - 6.2)
B (0.6 - 0.9)
Medium (150 - 200 ppm)
Moderate to Moist
C (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
B,C (70 - 80º Fahrenheit)
65 - 70º Fahrenheit

Plant for Spring through Summer Finish. Standard ppp.

Starting Materials: 
4-5" and Quart Pot : 5-7
6" and Gallon Pot : 7-9
7-9" Pot : 9-11
10-12" and Two Gallon Pot : 10-12

Pinch at 1-2 weeks after transplant if needed. Do not use irrigation frequency to control plant size: Drying out plant to wilt will cause leaf burn and leaf drop. B-Nine may be used at 1,500-2,500 ppm 2 weeks after transplant. Bonzi is also effective. Growth Regulator Disclaimer: Check manufacturer's label for approved rates and usage recommendations.

Treat with preventative broad spectrum fungicidal drench at 1-2 weeks after transplant.

Grower Tips: 

Avoid sharp changes in light level, plants will adapt to any light level but you want to avoid damaging existing leaves by too much stress. The Hippo™ series prefers warmer production temperatures, avoid chilling.

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