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B,C (5.8 - 6.5)
B,C (0.6 - 1.3)
Low (100 - 150 ppm)
Dry to Moderate
Moderate to Moist
B (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
A (55 - 65º Fahrenheit)
B (50 - 60º Fahrenheit)

Summer through Fall Finish. Standard PPP. Photoperiod can be manipulated for early flowering.

Starting Materials: 
Starting Materials: 
Bare Roots
4-5" and Quart Pot : 6-8
6" and Gallon Pot : 8-10
7-9" Pot : 8-10
10-12" and Two Gallon Pot : 11-12

One soft pinch, 1 week after liner planting. Second pinch optional. Florel at 500 ppm is also effective at increasing branching. B-Nine/Cycocel tank mix or Bonzi will control growth, however, growing plants dry will also control growth.

If growing bare root plants, pinching should not be necessary.

General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Mildew can be problematic, treat as needed.

Grower Tips: 

-Preventive fungicide recommended at transplant.
-Requires high light in production.
-Warm and slightly dry conditions after transplanting speeds root in and growth. Plant in mid-summer for fall flowering.

-Larger plants with better branching and form will occur with vernalization. To bloom earlier in the season you can manipulate the photo period.

-Can be sold in spring through fall, but won't flower until late summer to early fall.

-Avoid over watering - extended periods of wet soil will be detrimental.

-In very high light environments, such as southern California, they may need up to 30 percent shade to protect against sun scorch.

First to move outside
Cold Beneficial
Photoperiod for Flowering: 
Long Days Required

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