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B (5.8 - 6.2)
Low,Medium (100 - 200 ppm)
Moderate to Moist
A (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
B (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)
C (65 - 72º Fahrenheit)

Plant Late Summer, Early Fall or Spring for Summer Finish. Standard PPP.

Starting Materials: 
6" and Gallon Pot : 9-12

Pinch two weeks after transplanting to promote branching. These are compact plants and should not need growth regulation for height control. However, a tank mix of B-9 at 2500 ppm plus Sumagic at 3 ppm is effective, if toning is necessary.

General pest and disease practices as listed in notes. Aphids, Spider Mites and Powdery Mildew can be problematic, treat as necessary.

Grower Tips: 

-Finishing Time of 9-12 weeks is after the onset of Long Day conditions.

-Vernalized plants grow more vigorously and flower more uniformly and rapidly than plants with no exposure to cold.

Do not move outside
Cold Beneficial
Photoperiod for Flowering: 
Long Days Required
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