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Best Regional Plants

Showing 1 - 20 of 836.
Plant Name Genus Award Trialsort icon Region Year Trial Cold Hardiness Trial Heat Zone
Graceful Grasses® Purple Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Pennisetum Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Daredevil® Rosita Zonal Geranium Pelargonium zonale Pelargonium Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Daredevil® Mulberry Zonal Geranium Pelargonium zonale Pelargonium Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Daredevil® Salmon Zonal Geranium Pelargonium zonale Pelargonium Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Graceful Grasses® Purple Fountain Grass Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' Pennisetum Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Supertunia Vista® Bubblegum® Petunia hybrid Petunia Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Supertunia Vista® Silverberry Petunia hybrid Petunia Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Flambe® Yellow Strawflower Chrysocephalum apiculatum Chrysocephalum Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Señorita Rosalita® Spider Flower Cleome hybrid Cleome Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Diamond Frost® Euphorbia hybrid Euphorbia Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Snow Princess® Sweet Alyssum Lobularia hybrid Lobularia Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Daredevil® Rosita Zonal Geranium Pelargonium zonale Pelargonium Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Daredevil® Mulberry Zonal Geranium Pelargonium zonale Pelargonium Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Daredevil® Salmon Zonal Geranium Pelargonium zonale Pelargonium Best-Looking Flowers University of Delaware Northeast 2009 7a 6
Sweet Caroline Raven Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine Ipomoea batatas Ipomoea Top Performer University of Delaware Northeast 2018 7a 6
Diamond Frost® Euphorbia hybrid Euphorbia Top Performer University of Delaware Northeast 2018 7a 6
Truffula Pink Globe Amaranth Gomphrena pulchella Gomphrena Top Performer University of Delaware Northeast 2018 7a 6
Hippo® White Polka Dot Plant Hypoestes phyllostachya Hypoestes Top Performer University of Delaware Northeast 2018 7a 6
GoldDust® Mecardonia hybrid Mecardonia Top Performer University of Delaware Northeast 2011 7a 6
Luscious® Citrus Blend Lantana camara Lantana Top Performer University of Delaware Northeast 2018 7a 6
Showing 1 - 20 of 836.
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