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Through the Seasons Articles

Showing 41 - 50 of 50.

This article goes over techniques for overwintering plants that must remain green and growing through the winter.

One of the most basic questions on gardening is whether you are looking for a sun or shade plant, or maybe something in between. This simple idea can be difficult to define if you don't understand what constitutes full sun, full shade, and partial sun/shade. This article will go over the basics of sun and shade and how to determine which category different areas should be labeled.

Berry Heavy Ilex (Winterberry)

Learn how this native deciduous holly can add vibrance to your landscape during the otherwise dull winter months.

Learn how your choice of container and soil and correct watering and fertilizing practices will produce great planters.

Some Begonias go dormant for the winter and others have no dormant period and continue to grow and flower for the entire winter.

When and how to deadhead is a common question for gardeners.

Weeds can make ornamental plantings look unsightly. Weeds also may harbor insects and diseases that may cause problems on more desirable ornamental plants. 


Learn how to prune hedges or screens.

Pruning Demystified - Download PDF

Apply an organic mulch on most established ornamental plants in mid-spring when the soil has warmed sufficiently for active root growth.

With this easy-to-follow perennial care guide, every gardener can make perennials in their garden a success!

Showing 41 - 50 of 50.
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