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Perennials Articles

Showing 91 - 93 of 93.

Growing perennials and shrubs in containers has become an increasingly popular topic. If all you want is the summer color and have no expectations of the plant coming back the next spring, growing a perennial or shrub in a pot is easy. If you are trying to overwinter the plant in the pot, things become a bit more challenging. This article will explain how to grow and overwinter perennials and shrubs in containers.

With this easy-to-follow perennial care guide, every gardener can make perennials in their garden a success!

A landscape filled with mature, vigorous plants is the dream we all have when we plant perennials. Where they settle in happily, they thrive and multiply, and are ready to be divided after a few years. Here are some tips on how to divide and transplant perennials successfully. 

Showing 91 - 93 of 93.
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